Benign hematological conditions

Sickle cell disease, thalassemia, hemochromatosis and and other hematologic conditions may require bone marrow transplantation to cure the condition. In general, the ovarian reserve in patients with these conditions is normal compared to age matched controls (1).

With improvements in outcomes with bone marrow transplantation, one treatment for refractory sickle cell and other hematologic conditions is heterologous transplantation. Since this procedure is not an emergent procedure, these patients often have time to undergo multiple cycles of ovarian stimulation for oocyte cryopreservation o embryo freezing, with PGT-M testing if clinically indicated, depending on the genetic status of their partner.


Singer S, Vichinsky E, Gildengorin G, et al.  Reproductive capacity in iron overloaded women with thallasemia major. Blood 2011;118:2878-81.



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