Luciana Cacciottola yunior board member
Saint Camillus University (Italy) and Insitutut de radiobiologie cellulaire et moleculaire (IRCM), CEA (France)
About Luciana Cacciottola
Luciana Cacciottola completed her residency in Gynecology and Obstetrics in 2018 at the Università degli Studi in Milan. Having been awarded a scholarship from the FNRS-FRIA in Belgium, she started her PhD in the Gynecology Research Unit of Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc in Brussels. She earned her PhD in 2022, with a thesis entitled ‘Improving ovarian tissue transplantation using adipose tissue-derived stem cells’.
She is currently working as a researcher in the field of oncofertility at IRCM, CEA (France) and teaching for the Histology department at Saint Camillus University of medicine (italy).
Contact information
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